Live Draw will be provided every day at 20:45 CET UTC+1 (Europe/Rome) Standart Timezone.


This website is published by Ephrata lottery Private Limited ("Ephrata lottery"). It is in no way associated with or related to other gaming sites.
Please note that Ephrata lottery does not offer its products on-line. Ephrata lottery shall not be responsible for any purchases made through unauthorised websites or channels.
All persons below the age of 18 are prohibited from all forms of legal and/or illegal gaming activities. As such, this website is not intended to provide any form of encouragement to those below the age 18 to indulge in gaming activities.
The information contained in this website is for the use of players and prospective players who are permitted by law to participate in the game(s) organised by SPPL ("Games"). Nothing contained in this website is to be taken to constitute an offer or invitation on the part of Ephrata lottery to any person to participate in the Game(s).
The intellectual property rights in respect of the logos, text, slogans, information, results and other works contained in this website belong to Ephrata lottery, and any use of such logos, text, slogans, information, results or other works without the prior written consent of Ephrata lottery will constitute an infringement of the rights of Ephrata lottery.
This website shall not be construed to form any part, whether express or implied, of the terms and conditions of the Game(s).
In the event of any discrepancy between the information available on this website and the rules stipulated in the Rules and Regulations of Ephrata lottery games (as amended from time to time), the latter shall prevail.

Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of information contained in this website, Ephrata lottery gives no representation or warranty, whether express or implied, regarding this website or its contents, including, without limitation, any warranty of accuracy or completeness of the website or its contents. Ephrata lottery accepts no responsibility for errors or omissions, inaccuracies, misleading or obsolete information contained herein or in any other website accessed by a visitor by hyperlink via this website or from which a visitor visited this site by hyperlink. Further, Ephrata lottery shall not accept any responsibility whatsoever and howsoever caused, for loss or damage including, without limitation, any special, direct, indirect or consequential loss or damage or other losses or damage of whatsoever nature arising out of or relating to the use of or reliance on this website or its contents.

Whilst every care is taken to ensure the accuracy of the information relating to gaming results, Ephrata lottery shall not accept any responsibility for any errors, omissions or inaccuracies, whatsoever and howsoever caused, whether obtained from this website or from any other website accessed by a visitor via hyperlink from this website. Users should check the information by referring to the official information released by Ephrata lottery. In the event of any discrepancy between the information contained in this website and the official results, as released by Ephrata lottery, the official results of Ephrata lottery shall prevail.
The official results may be obtained from any Ephrata lottery outlets.

This website is protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. Nothing in this website shall be construed as a waiver ofEphrata lottery rights in respect of the copyright subsisting in this website, nor shall it give rise to a licence for the exploitation of information available on this website.
NeitherEphrata lottery nor its directors, officers or employees shall be liable for any use of the information provided in this website, and no responsibility whatsoever is assumed byEphrata lottery, its directors, officers and/or employees in respect of any use of such information.

As a visitor to this site, you acknowledge that you have read, understood and agreed to be bound by this notice. If you are from a location outside the Republic of Indoesia, you realy on the information contained herein on your own initiative and at their own risk, and are wholly responsible for complying with any relevant laws that may be applicable to you.

Ephrata lottery (Private) Limited is committed to protecting the privacy of our customers on their personal data submitted to us. In this regard, we will store such data with secure measures and will not disclose such data to unauthorised parties or otherwise act contrary to law. We may collate the data for use in improving our services offered to you, always acting in accordance with law.